Sunday, January 15, 2012

Traveling Across Honduras

Hola mi amigos! I don't know if it is a good or bad thing but I find myself forgetting that I don't have to try and speak Spanish with the people in my group. I hope that means I am closer to being understood by the locals.

Yesterday was quite an experience. When went to a waterfall and by to I mean in! It was scary and exciting. I lost my shoes, but it was worth it!
When we got done at the waterfall we traveled to a congregation in Calabay. It was completely overwhelming at first. Despite the fact that we share a religion our worship styles were completely different which was very surprising to me. Just because it was different didn't make it bad though! I was truly blessed when I was able to sing along to This is the Day during the most joyous offertory I hav ever been apart of! The people were so excited to worship. It reminded me that church isn't a job, it is a blessing and a time to roconne t with God.
After the service I was feeling unable to connect with the People and I sort of withdrew, but one outgoing little girl showed me discipleship in action. She pulled me over a introduced me to all her young friends. I was a little jealious that an 8 year old girl was so much more outgoing than me :) Another girl put a flower in my hair, a gift I will treasure for he rest of my life.
When the lights wee turned out in the building no one was ready to leave and so we danced and sang outside by cell phone light.

We are now eating breakfast at a Honduran restaurant on our way to Orica. It will be a 10 hour bumpy drive but I'm so tired I don't thing I'll notice!

I can't wait to experience the bonds we have in Christ with the new friends I am about to meet.


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